Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fresh Herbs

Last summer our son visited and as he was searching for seasonings to make a marinade, he exclaimed that I had every possible spice and seasoning.  I could truthfully report that I didn't because there was no saffron in my larder.  With its price tag and my having no recipe that depends on the flavor of saffron, it's not likely I'll ever have saffron in my cupboard.
But since we packed most of our belongings, my cupboard is very bare.  I have salt and pepper, some bouillion and honey.  I know, strange combination.  But I'm working on adding to the possibilities by visiting my herb garden yesterday.  Pictured above is what I cut and left to right is oregano, tarragon, thyme and two types of parsley.  In the foreground is chives.  I missed cutting some sage so will do that soon.

The photo to the right shows the herbs after they were washed and stripped from their stems.  I didn't show the chives and one of the parsleys which are in a different pan, but you get the idea.  After they are completely dry I will store them in small plastic bags and seasoning choices will be much greater and our food will be much tastier.  Nice to enjoy the "fruits" of our garden.

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